Friday, June 22, 2007

Rusty Pickle Amazing Race II - Pit Stop #2

Pit stop #2 was at I liked the concept of my mini album - but it was really hard to get good pictures again. It definitely looks better in person. Part of my problem was trying to take pictures at 3AM! Talk about bad lighting! LOL Here is a link to my project:

On the page with a picture of my iPod - the part that says great Tunes is a pocket - and there is a mini CD inside with my favorite music on it. Lots of hidden journaling throughout. I used the Rusty Pickle 4 x 6 wrap around album and the Chocolate Bunny line. Love the brown/blue/cream combo...YUM!

Waiting for the 3rd clue (which is the only way I have time to come update my blog!). I am so tired. Didn't actually go to bed until 4am after getting my pics loaded and all. Then I quietly sneak into the bedroom and WHAM! this terrible odor completely overwhelms me! I was blaming it on Tom's feet (bwahahahaha!!! love you honey!) but it wasn't. I like to tease though. It was, however, some smelly socks that had been worn in 100 degree weather playing golf and then they were zipped up in a bag and forgotten about. Holy moly...I couldn't sleep in there. So I had a restless few hours on the couch. Need to go start the dishwasher and laundry and whatever else I can get done before Clue #3 shows up!


Anonymous said...

you have the most amazing talent! WTG! keep rockin it!

Tammy Tutterow said...

Love, love, love the project!
So wonderful!

Mary said...

SO cute!!! Love the purse album, all the pages are great!

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Loved that PURSE ~ very creative!

Linda said... both of your projects so far! great job!