Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Gooood morning Super Monkey

Oh man...what a way to wake up. To help Lindsay prepare for her new schedule for kindergarten we got her an alarm clock. Super Monkey alarm clock. Although I set my own alarm clock to go off before Super Monkey, Tom is wishing Super Monkey had a volume control. I wanted to get up before Lindsay's alarm went off just to see the girls' expressions when the bells started ringing. For the first couple seconds they didn't budge - then they both sat up in their beds with their hands covering their ears yelling "turn it off!" - LOL - I had to yell over the sound of the alarm "YOU turn it off!" It was quite funny actually. It scared them awake. Not sure if that is what I was going for - but it worked. That was at 6:30 this morning. I am still trying to wake up myself. Where is that coffee?

Yesterday I went to the orientation at Lindsay's school. I got to meet her teacher who seems like a very nice girl. It was kindof funny - she was talking to us (the parents) almost like we were Kindergarteners. I had to giggle a couple of times. We go back to the school today to introduce Lindsay to the teacher. To say Lindsay is excited is an understatement. She is just thrilled that she is such a big girl. I told her about the rules of the classroom and the paper stoplight in the classroom. If you break the rules of the classroom, your wooden clothespin gets moved to the yellow part of the stop light. If you're really bad it gets moved to the red light and you are in trouuuu-ble! Lindsay said she will only get the green light everyday. We will see about that. I hope she is right!

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