Wednesday, August 30, 2006

2nd layout from Scenic Route

This was another layout we did in the Scenic Route class last Saturday...the one I said you'd be subjected to my same 'ol picture. I loved the exercise in coming up with 5 lessons learned. In case you can't read my are my 5 lessons listed on the right side of the layout.

1. have the courage to love, to speak your mind, to follow your curiosity and your passions. Have the courage to give of yourself, for the goodness you give will come back to you over and over again.

2. you have the power to rise above the meaningless, petty distractions that can waste so much time and steal so much energy. You have the power to fill your moments, your life and your awareness with the things that have real and lasting meaning.

3. the quickest way to improve your situation is to improve the way you think about it. Though your thoughts will not immediately change anything outside of you, they can immediately change your outlook.

4. don't allow your energy to be drained away by worrying about what others will think. Simply be your authentic best, and keep in mind that what anyone else thinks about you is not your concern.

5. happiness is a choice you have the ability and free will to make.


Christi said...

Cami, this layout is gorgeous and I love your 5 things list...very wise and VERY TRUE!! smiles...

Suzanna said...

Beautiful lo Cami! Love your 5 lessons, and the picture is wonderful, it's nice to see it in a bigger wize than 1 inch tall, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! LOVE the 5 lessons!!! YOu ROCK Girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So true.. love your layout and agree nice to see your photo in the larger size!!!

Rita said...

What a gorgeous LO and what great lessons! I love the idea of this layout -- putting lessons learned in writing. We should all do that!

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